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recipe image Vegan Double Whipped Oreo Cheesecake

Vegan Double Whipped Oreo Cheesecake

Recipe by @charlotteemmma

Recipe by @charlotteemmma

  • Prep time
    45 minutes
  • Servings
    8 portions
  • Difficulty


  • 50 g vegan butter
  • 600 g oreos
  • 750 g vegan cream cheese
  • 200 g icing sugar
  • 270 ml Elmlea Plant

Nutritional Guidelines (per serving)

(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)


  1. Melt the butter and add to a food processor with 300g Oreos. Pulse until it forms a fine rubble that sticks together when pressed between your fingers.
  2. Tip into a 9” cake tin (ideally with a Springform/push-out bottom) and use the back of a spoon to tightly pack the mixture over the bottom of the tin and about halfway up the sides. Place in the fridge while you make the cheesecake mixture.
  3. Use a butter knife to scrape the cream from the middle of the remaining 300g Oreos and place into a small saucepan. Set aside the biscuits.
  4. Add 60ml of the Elmlea Plant Cream to the saucepan and heat gently until the Oreo cream and Plant Cream have melted together. Set aside.
  5. In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese with an electric hand whisk until smooth (about 2 minutes). Add in the icing sugar and the melted white chocolate mixture and whisk again until well combined.
  6. Pour in an additional 240ml Plant Cream and beat until thick and fluffy (3 – 4 minutes).
  7. Place the remaining 300g Oreos into a zip-lock bag and use a rolling pin to crush into pieces – don’t crush them into dust, you want a few large chunky bits!
  8. Reserve a handful or two of the Oreo rubble for topping, pour the remainder into the cheesecake mix and fold through.
  9. Pour the Oreo cheesecake mixture onto the base and fill the tin to the top. Smooth using the back of a spoon and refrigerate for 5 – 6 hours or overnight.
  10. Whip the remaining 270ml Plant Cream with an electric hand whisk for 5 – 6 minutes, until it is thickened and formed soft peaks. Dollop on top of the cheesecake and top with the reserved crushed Oreos. Store in the fridge.